I'm learning about cavemen in class and the video we saw said that they used clay to make tools/weapons. i also saw that cavemen made sculptures but ni dont know if thats true cause the website i saw didnt seem like it was a good source to look for stuff like that
the ancient egyptians used metals, gold and wood for their tools they are like the cavemen but the cavemen never had gold
Cavemen used wood for fire to keep themselves and others warm. They also widdled the wood to make weapons.
Neanderthals were a species of cavemen, yes.
Walking with Cavemen was created in 2005.
How did cavemen understand each other
What numbers did cavemen use
they would draw
bones stones wood
the ancient egyptians used metals, gold and wood for their tools they are like the cavemen but the cavemen never had gold
what kind of tools did the cavemen use.
No, the first condom was invented in 1855.
Cavemen used wood for fire to keep themselves and others warm. They also widdled the wood to make weapons.
Yes, you can use acrylics on clay after the clay has been dried.
you can use modeling clay, well at least that is what i used
I guess like what it is like being a cavemen, do you like being cavemen, Why do they call people your kind cavemen and not cave people, why do people you cavemen, and do you know what soap is, have you ever took a shower, Do you know how to speak proper English, how did you use the restroom back in your ages or time?.
Yes, there is some evidence that they did.