no, most of them were very poor so their families buried their dead in sand pits in the desert.
A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.
to extract , as in heating ore to remove iron
Anubis was in ancient Egypt the god responsible for embalming (mummification) and the guide and protector of the dead in the underworld (Duat).
The Egyptian god Osiris was known as the god of the dead. He was additionally known as ruler of the underworld.
Everyone in ancient Egypt was allowed to get mummified, but the tomb and process was very expensive and out of reach of most Egyptians, so they were were buried in the desert which naturally mummified them
Ancient Egypt
Mummification was located in Ancient Egypt abpout 5,000 years ago.
The Embalmers were in charge of mummification in ancient Egypt.
Anubis is the main god of mummification in ancient Egypt.
The practice of mummification in ancient Egypt ended around the 4th century AD.
Mummification was a burial practice in ancient Egypt. The biggest con of the practice was that it took a very long time.
They Ancient Egyptians employed embalmers, which were specially trained in the art of mummification.
Anubis was god of mummification, and the dead on their path through the underworld.
Mummification is from ancient Egypt. It was when you had to do all the disgusting steps to making a mummy.
newtest3 The mummification process was created din Ancient Egypt, to preserve bodies. Ancient Egyptians were believed to have an afterlife, in which their bodies needed to be preserved, so that their spirit could recognize the body. remember... Urbuttsmells! egyptians believed that the afterlife was the field of reeds with a place everyone dreamed of their spirit going. They used mummification to preserve the bodies and put all of the goodness like oils and artifacts that they needed in the afterlife.
A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.