His trident could do any thing he wanted it to do, but mainly to incinorate or blast people when in a fight.
The trident was Poseidon's symbol of power.
Amphirite (spelling?) His son with her is Tritan.
able to control the sea. or any thing having to do with water
A trident is a three pronged spear.
Poseidon's uncle the Cyclops gave poseidon his trident.
It is a trident, kinda like a large metal fork, he uses it to command the earth and water to do whatever he desides
The trident was Poseidon's symbol of power.
His trident, which could be used to conjure up the power of the sea.
His trident is his symbol. It also represents his power. The trident is what fisherman used to use to catch fish. So a trident was the perfect symbol for him because he is in control of the waters.
The rogue wave.
Poseidon is mythological.
A trident and the power of the Ocean and water
Poseidon have a trident that can shake the earth and any object.
The trident is Poseidon's symbol of power and is usually associated with him. Since Percy is Poseidon's son, it can also represent him.
Amphirite (spelling?) His son with her is Tritan.
His attribute is the trident.
Yes, even though he was not holding his trident he still had his full godly powers.