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Yes. Normally this included tag, marbles, doll games, and other games that were fairly easy to make with available items. Although, slaves didn't have much time for this.

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Q: Did slaves play games
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What games did black slaves play?

actually if ur talking about the black slaves a long time ago then they didnt play any games they didnt have many things back then to play with!!

What games did roman slaves play?

Roman slaves played the same games as their master played. However this depended upon their status. A city or domestic slave who was more than likely raised along with the master's children would play the same games as the freeborns, such as knucklebones, or the various board games. They would also join in the physical training of their masters. Slaves were not allowed to gambol except at the festival of Saturnalia. The rural slaves though, had a different situation as they were usually far from any urban amusements although during free time, they too had their diversions.

What games did slaves play?

Roman slaves played the same games as their master played. However this depended upon their status. A city or domestic slave who was more than likely raised along with the master's children would play the same games as the freeborns, such as knucklebones, or the various Board Games. They would also join in the physical training of their masters. Slaves were not allowed to gambol except at the festival of Saturnalia. The rural slaves though, had a different situation as they were usually far from any urban amusements although during free time, they too had their diversions.

Should you get a slave Pokemon in any of the Pokemon games?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=The best way to play Pokemon games is by getting a full Pokemon team. You should get a strong powerful team NO SLAVES.=

Why didn't they allow slaves in the ancient olympic games?

Slaves were simply for work.

What kind of recreation did slaves have?

the recreation slaves had were singing spiritual songs,and playing games

Did slaves have free time?

Slaves free time all depended on if they didnt as much as they did. But when they did they would sing, dance, tell tales, stage, play games, hang out with family, gamble,and women would gather to build quilts for the family.

What were the gladiator games and who were the gladiators?

The Gladiaters were slaves and servent And the Gladiater games were Entertertanment

Did slaves play a role in samual Champlain exploration?


What did field slaves do for enjoyment?

play Simon says

Why do we play games?

we play games just to have fun