The A1 may follow a Roman road in part, but the Romans did not build it. The British built it.
aqueducts .
the greek influence was only in philosophy and art
Rome got its first navy by attacking Carthage and starting a great war
Notre Dame is french for "Our Lady" Notre dame took 80 years to build. 14 million people visit Notre dame every year. De Sully had notre Dame buit because of the expanding population. Notre Dame is in paris.
Louis the 7th was king of France in 1163, when the building of the Notre-Dame cathedral began.
Notre dame
Notre Dame, IN
For the greater glory of God
they used hand tools
Notre-Dame de Paris, also known as Notre-Dame Cathedral or simply Notre-Dame. It is 96 m
Notre Dame de Paris.
the Notre Dame cathedral is named after Notre Dame i.e. Our Lady
The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
College Notre Dame was created in 1904.
The population of Notre-Dame-d'OĆ© is approximately 3,500 people.