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They Built temples

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Q: Did the middle kingdom rulers have any improvements?
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Did akhenaten rule in the middle kingdom?

King Akhenaton and his queen Nefertiti were worshipers of the God of the Sun, Aten. Opposition arose when Akhenaton destroyed statues of Amun, many peoples prefered God, many temples reverted to the throne. Corruption grew and Akhenenaton left Thebes and moved to a new capital in Middle Egypt, half way between Memphis and Thebes. The sight was not previosly dedicated to any Gods or Godesses so he named it Akhenaten-The Horizon of the Aten. Today the site is known as el-Amarna.

What did they do in the middle ages for pest control?

they didn't have any thing for pest control

What was cleopatras relationship with other rulers?

Not good, by any means. The other rulers in the area hated her because she meddled and tried to interfere in their internal affairs. The hatred between Cleopatra and Herod is well known, but she was also disliked by the Nabatean Arabs and the kings of Armenia and the Medes. When Octavian was entering Egypt, she asked her neighbors for military help, but no one responded. The only positive relationships that she had with other rulers were with Julius Caesar and Marc Antony when they held power. As soon as Octavian gained control, her positive association with Rome collapsed.

Where there any famous Inca people?

Well, if you are talking about the present day then there are no famous incas. There are a few left up in Peru, but they aren't famous.If you are talking about back then, then yes they had many rulers that they praised.

Did Cleopatra have a legacy?

here's her legacy: She was 39 when she died; she killed herself because she realized that her end was close by any way so to make it easier so she didn't have to struggle any more. Her dreams of the Egyptian empire died with her. Her name lived on so this name makes people think of romance, bravery, greed and beauty. She tried to make sure Egypt stayed independent; she made rulers of the roman republic frightened of her. No one can deny that Cleopatra was one of the greatest rulers of Egypt!

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No. The Royal Sciety was founded during the Renaissance and had no impact of any kind on the middle ages.

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We have no evidence of any such happenings.

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I don't know may be king tut or queen Nefertiti or Ramses i don't know do you

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If you're talking about the olden days, yes, like any other country, Samoa had rulers also.