The word gold originates from the old English word "ghel". It is also the origin for the words gilt, gilding, gelded and geld, meaning to resurface with a shiny substance even with gold.
Athena is her Greek name. Her Roman name is Minerva.
In Greek it was Dionysus. Bacchus was the Roman name.
Zeus is the greek name / Jupiter is the roman name
Mercury is the Roman name; the Greek equivalent was Hermes.
the greek name is Zeus and the roman name is Jupiter.
The name Mars comes from the Roman god Mars which in Greek is Ares.
Not from Greek. From Latin Vulcan, name of the Roman god of fireand metalworking, identified with the Greek Hephaestus
Athena is her Greek name. Her Roman name is Minerva.
Pandora's Roman name is the same as her Greek name.
Hercules was from the culture of the Romans. His Greek name was Heracles. The legend of Hercules originates from the myth of Heracles, an ancient Greek myth. Hercules is his Roman name, in the Roman adaptation of the original Greek tale.
Her Greek name is Artemis. Her Roman name is Diana.
In Greek it was Dionysus. Bacchus was the Roman name.
Zeus is the greek name / Jupiter is the roman name
Mercury is the Roman name; the Greek equivalent was Hermes.
the greek name is Zeus and the roman name is Jupiter.
Hera/ 'Ηρα was her Greek name. Juno was her Roman name.
The Roman is Nereus; the Greek is Νηρευς