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Egypt was one of the first and oldest civilizations to develop. They developed along with Mesopotamia. The differences were in social culture, architecture, and art.

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Q: Discuss the similarities and differences between Egyptian and other African cultures in history and art?
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In comparing African civilizations of the classical era the retained many Egyptian cultural influences while the retained closely related languages.?

Nubian civilization; bantu people

Who was known as Moses?

Harriet Tubman was known as "Moses" for leading the African American slaves away from the slavery in the South. As Moses led his people away from the past Egyptian's cruel torture and labors.

How has Early African history been lost or stolen?

Lost and ignored. The history of African Americans and of the continent itself has been ignored by the western societies. Even in maps Africa was shown as smaller than Europe and North America. The land mass is actually larger, but it displays the views of western cultures and the discrimination of people of color.

Which breed of domestic cat is closest to ancient Egyptian cat?

The most common breed of cat in Ancient Egypt is probably the Domestic Shorthair (mixed-breed shorthaired cat). Even today, non-pedigree cats make up a majority of the cat population. However, two cat breeds that exist today are believed to have originated from Ancient Egypt. One of them is the Egyptian Mau. The modern Egyptian Mau has Egyptian stray cats in its ancestry. It is believed that the Egyptian Mau is descended from African wild cats, and spotted cats that resemble the Mau are portrayed in the wall paintings of Ancient Egypt. The breed name itself is Egyptian, with "mau" meaning cat in Middle Egyptian. The other breed is the Abyssinian. Its breed name refers to Abyssinia, the historical name for Ethiopia, yet some stories suggest that this breed originated from Egypt. Many sources state the the Abyssinian is an old breed with its roots dating back to Ancient Egypt, as the Abyssinian resembles the cats in Ancient Egyptian paintings and sculptures with its slender built and moderately wedged head shape.

What does anc stands for?

It stand for African National congress.

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because im deautiful

What are the similarities and differences of Asian and African?

because im deautiful

What are the similarities and differences pf Asian and African poetry?

The Differences of Asian and African Poetry is:- the Asian Poetry is to be sung with music and guitar.- the African Poetry is to be sung with music and piano.The Similarities of Asian and African Poetry is:- they are the same that to be sung with instruments.

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Some differences between Native American cultures and African cultures include their traditional religions and spiritual practices, their social structures and family systems, and their modes of subsistence and economic activities. Additionally, they have distinct histories of colonization and interactions with European powers that have influenced their development and identities.

What Language was spoken in Egypt in 5000 BC?

Ancient Egyptian - a Hamito-Semitic language with similarities to African and Middle Eastern languages.

What are similarities of African to a filipinos?

Both African and Filipino cultures have strong values on family and community, with a deep respect for elders. Both cultures have rich traditions in music, dance, and storytelling. Additionally, both African and Filipino cuisine often incorporates a wide variety of flavors and spices.

What are similarities and differences with African Americans and puerto ricans?

Similarities: Both humans Difference: Different race, language, lighter skin and darker skin, puerto ricans are US citizens

What are beliefs and traditions and cultures of African Asian countrie?

One of the most notable similarities in belief, tradition, and culture between African countries and Asian countries is the focus on the family and the ancestors. Both cultures revere the family as the most important social group, and both cultures involve a degree of ancestor worship. African cultures also hold things like hospitality, friendliness, and community very dear, and many Asian cultures do the same.

Are Egyptian immigrants considered African Americans?

Not typically. The term "African American" normally applies to those descended from the tribes of western and southern Africa, not the Mediterranean cultures, which now have an Arabic heritage.

What cultures practice drumming?

many African cultures