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Q: Does Triton have dirt or gravel?
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Dose Jupiter have dirt or gravel?

jupitar has dirt not gravel

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Does the earth have dirt or gravel?

Yes, dirt

Which soil will make a flower grow faster dirt water or sand?

dirt gravel because it has some nutrients in it and gravel does not.

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Does Io have dirt or gravel?


Can you ride dirt bikes on gravel road in South Dakota?

And can police pull you over for driving on a gravel road, with a dirt bike?

Will a cubic yard of gravel measure the same as a cubic yard of dirt?

No, a cubic yard of gravel will have a different volume measurement compared to a cubic yard of dirt because they have different densities. Gravel is denser and heavier, so it will take up less volume than dirt in a cubic yard.

What natural resources does Yuma have?

dirt and gravel

Does Europa have dirt or gravel?

Europa is an icy moon of Jupiter, and its surface is covered with a layer of water ice. It does not have dirt or gravel like we find on Earth.

Does io have dirt and gravel?

No, Io does not have dirt or gravel on its surface. Io is a volcanic moon of Jupiter with a landscape dominated by sulfur and volcanic activity. The surface is covered with sulfur compounds and extensive lava flows, giving it a colorful and dynamic appearance.

What do you put down on dirt ground before gravel?

It is common to install a landscaping fabric or geotextile over the dirt before laying gravel. This fabric helps prevent weeds from growing through the gravel and keeps the gravel from sinking into the ground over time.