It is said that they have the speed, flight, and vision of an eagle and the courage and strength of a lion.
He didn't have any special powers other than being a cyclopes.
In Greek mythology, Athena didn't have any "powers", per say. She was the Goddess of Wisdom and War Strategy, but she didn't have any super powers.
To turn people into stone.
Excalibur actually doesn't have any special properties.Special Project Assistants found out that Excalibur yet doesn't exist
the goddess flora has the power of spring time and flowers .
No, millennium babies do not have any type of special powers.
No, the Greek youth Narcissus did not have any special powers save being exceedingly lovely.
She is an Goddess. Of course she has powers.
Durga does not have any special powers, but she is one of the main goddesses worshipped in the Hindu tradition.
Well that depends on what kind of griffin you're talking about. If you mean a normal griffin, it can usually be killed by beheading, any type of fatal wound by a weapon, drowning (that's very hard), burning (that's very hard too), etc. Traditionally in most legends, griffins are not assigned any special powers or magical properties that would make them any different from the animals they are composed of and so they can be killed by conventional means, just like any other animal.
No he did not have any special powers. Perhaps you mean the Ninja Turtle.
He didn't have any special powers other than being a cyclopes.
No, the Greek youth Narcissus did not have any special powers save being exceedingly lovely.
No, there is not.
she can communicate by touch
She does not have any special powers.