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Truffle (الكمأة), root fungi of genus Tuber , called Nomad Potato [بطاط البدو], because the Nomad or the The Bedouin, (from the Arabic badawī (بدوي), pl. badū) desert-dwelling Arab nomadic , can find it in the desert sand berried like the potato. In Arabic it is called, Al Kam'a -الكمأة ( means hidden ), Al Faga'a - الفقع means blowup - from the way the sand appear reviling part of the Truffle, and there are many other names for it in each country around the Middle East,among them, (الترفاس Terfas)(الزبيدي Zebaidy)( الخلاسي Khelasy)( Fruit of the Thunder نبات الرعد) .

N. Abood

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