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A scaled dragon with wings would be a drakon in Greek mythology.

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Q: Dragon with wings in Greek mythology?
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Who invented wings in Greek mythology?

I believe it was Daedalus, who gave the wings to Icarus

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Who fought the dragon in Greek mythology?

Oh, dude, in Greek mythology, it was totally this guy named Cadmus who fought the dragon. Like, he didn't just fight any dragon, though, he fought the dragon that guarded the sacred spring of Ares. And let me tell you, that dragon was no joke!

Did the Greek god Apollo have wings?

In Greek mythology, Apollo did not have wings. He is often depicted as a young and handsome man.

Who was the winged girl in greek mythology?

Nike was the goddess of victory, and she had a pair of wings.

Is a dragon part of greek mythology?

The dragons of Greek mythology - giant, serpentine monsters with rows of sharp teeth; called Drakones.

Who were Daedalus and Icarus in Greek mythology?

Daedalus is the father of Icaurs. Icarus in Greek mythology was to escape the Crete by the means of wings his father Daedalus created with feathers and wax.

In mythology what are dragon wings made of?

In mythology, dragon wings are often depicted as being made of scales or leathery skin stretched over bone or membrane-like structures, similar to bat wings. The material composition of dragon wings can vary depending on cultural and artistic interpretations.

What does the name Pegasus mean?

It is a greek name that came from the mythology which meant horse with wings.

What creature guards the golden apple tree in greek mythology?

Ladon the Dragon

Where did Draco the constellation get its name?

The constellation Draco got its name from the Latin word for dragon. It is said to represent the dragon Ladon from Greek mythology.

What animal is on the spinx?

If you are refering to the Sphynx, they are dieties of Greek and Egyptian mythology. They always have a human head on a lion's body. In Greek mythology, they also can fly because of two, large "eagle wings."