Herodotus was not Egyptian, he was Greek. He worked in Alexandria. He dealt mostly with hydrolics. He invented many modern things, such as the hypodermic needles.
A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.
Cleopatra was the last pharaoh in Egypt. There were wars happening between Rome and Egypt.
The population of ancient Egypt at its height was 5 million people.
Cleopatra was the queen of Egypt, but during her time Egypt was not an empire, it had become merely a kingdom.
The word comes from the ancient Greek version of the local name - the Greeks called it Aigyptos which English speakers much later anglicised to Egypt.
The estimated population in ancient Egypt during the time of the pharaohs was around 3 to 4 million people.
The estimated population of ancient Egypt during its peak civilization was around 4-5 million people.
The population of Ancient Egypt is estimated to have been around 3 to 4 million people during its peak.
a dog
The pharaoh of ancient Egypt was usually ruled by a man.Their were hundreds of pharaohs during Egyptian history.Some famous pharaohs:Ramses iiHatshepsutTutankhamenetc.
A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.
The population of Ancient Egypt is estimated to have been around 3 to 4 million people during its peak.
In Ancient Egypt during the time of the New Kingdom.
The population of Ancient Egypt is estimated to have been around 3 to 4 million people during its peak in the New Kingdom period.
Cleopatra was the last pharaoh in Egypt. There were wars happening between Rome and Egypt.
It was probably Thebes, the capital city during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom.
During the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt.