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The reason for Nero's persecution of Christians may be attributed to the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD. The city was reduced to rubble and although many thought that Nero may have been responsible for the blaze, a few sources say that Christians may have confessed to the crime, although by free will or by torture is unknown. Because of this, Nero and the community placed the blame on the Christians, and thus they suffered greatly, by being crucified, thrown to dogs, and burned.

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12y ago

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

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12y ago

Nero did not persecute the Christians, he prosecuted them. The Christians were accused and found guilty for the crime of arson.

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Q: Emperor Nero and his reasons in persecuting christians?
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Who were the emperors persecuting Christians in Rome in 64 CE?

There were no emperors persecuting the Christians in 64 AD. This is a misconception. 64 was the year of the Great Fire of Rome and the emperor Nero was in power. Nero did not persecute the Christians for their religion. Nero punished the Christians for the crime of arson. After the outrage died down, the Christians were free to worship as they saw fit.

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The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

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The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

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I think the emperor you're wondering about was Roman Emperor Constantine. He, after Nero, stopped persecuting Christians. The legend says that on October 312, in the morning, he saw what looked like a cross in the sky. He prayed, and asked the God of the Christians, to help him win the battle. If he did, he would convert to Christianity. So, after he won the battle. He became a Christian and stopped the Persecution of Nero. And he even put a cross on every soldiers' shield.

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It seems likely that Decius (249-251) was the first Roman emperor to officially persecute Christians.AnswerYou could loosely say it was Nero, although he did not persecute them for their faith, but for the crime of arson. Some authorities say there was a persecution under the emperor Domitian, other doubt this. The major persecutions came under the emperors Decius, Valerian and Diocletian.

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Nero was said to have persecuted the Christians as a scapegoat because there were accusations that he started the Great Fire of Rome in 64. Some modern historians doubt this. It this was the case, the Christians would not have been friends with Nero.

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