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Third person omniscient

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Q: From what point of view is the passage phaethon gets his wish narrataded?
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Continue Learning about Ancient History

What vise gets Odysseus in trouble?

His ego

Who makes Odysseus angry?

Odysseus gets angry at many points.The Iliad:He gets angry at Thersites at Troy, when he advocates against Agamemnon after Agamemnon took Achilles' prize, Briseis. Odysseus is angered by Agamemnon, when he accuses Odysseus and his men of shirking back from battle.Odysseus is extremely angry when Antiphus kills his comrade Leucus with a spear to the groin.Odysseus is angry at Socus, whom wounds Odysseus, and puts him out of action. Odysseus kills Socus for his actions.Odysseus gets angry at Agamemnon for suggesting they retreat in the night.The Odyssey:Odysseus gets angry at his men for not withdrawing from Ismarus when he asks them too. Odysseus gets angry at the Cyclops Polyphemus for eating his men.Odysseus gets extremely angry at his crew for opening the bag of winds from Aeolus just when they were about to reach Ithica.Odysseus gets angry at Circe for transforming his men into pigs.Odysseus gets angry at Eurylochus, for not wanting to return to Circe's house because he is too cowardly.Odysseus gets angry at Eurylochus and his men for slaughtering the golden Cattle of Helios.Odysseus is extremely angry to find that his castle is full of suitors asking for Penelope's hand.Odysseus is angry at Melanthius for supplying the suitors with arms from the storeroom.Odysseus gets angry at the suitors' families for daring to attack him in revenge for their deaths.

When Odysseus gets to Circe's island how many men does he have?


Is it hot in turkey?

It gets to about 82-84 degrees Fahrenheit

What happens when Hades gets angry?

the underworld blows up

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What is the climax of phaethon?

The climax of Phaethon is when Phaethon loses control of the stupid chariot. Why don't you guys understand this type of material? Honestly, if this is for your homework, ASK YOUR TEACHERS FOR HELP! I've cheated on a number of tests, and I had to redo 10th grade 3 times. You don't want to be me. :(

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The nasal passage

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the turning point is when percy gets caught by Luke.

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Makes his/her point

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Point guards

How can I tell when a team gets a point?

The score will change

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A TE gets a point for every 10 yards receiving or Rushing A TE end gets 6 points for every TD

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Every Technology gets outdated with the passage of time So simply defined, There is no such Technology as Secure one.

How many points does the Australian winner gets?

2000 POINT

What does a referre do in badminton?

judge who gets a point, if its in or out, if its a fault etc.

What is the turing point in twilight?

When Bella gets to know tat Edward is a vampire, then comes the turning point.