Atalanta was a beautiful Greek princess, not a goddess, (although some believe that she was a member of Artemis's [or Roman Diana's] Hunt) so she went by Atalanta in both Roman and Greek culture.
The Roman name of goddess Aphrodite is VenusAphrodite's Roman name is Venus. And she is the goddess of love and beauty.Venus
The name of the Roman goddess of wisdom is Minerva. Her Greek equivalent is Athena.
The Greek goddess Gaea was identified with the Roman goddess Terra.
If you mean the Greek name of the Roman goddess Venus, it is Aphrodite.
Kharis was her roman name
The Roman name of goddess Aphrodite is VenusAphrodite's Roman name is Venus. And she is the goddess of love and beauty.Venus
The Roman name for Hestia is Vesta. She is the goddess of hearth, home, and family in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.
The name of the Roman goddess of wisdom is Minerva. Her Greek equivalent is Athena.
The Greek goddess Gaea was identified with the Roman goddess Terra.
Athena had the Roman name of Minerva. Minerva was a Roman goddess closely associated with the Greek goddess Athena.
If you mean the Greek name of the Roman goddess Venus, it is Aphrodite.
The Greek goddess Demeter is identified with the Roman goddess Ceres.
The Greek goddess Artemis was identified with the Roman goddess Diana.
Luna sometomes lunar Diana is also the name for the roman goddess of the moon
The Roman goddess of the Hunt is Diana. Her Greek equivalent is Artemis.
Tethys did not have a Roman name, as she was a Greek goddess.
The Roman goddess Flora was identified with Greek Chloris.