greek myths she is known as Demeter. In roman she is known as Ceres.
Ceres is the roman goddess of grain and agriculture Her Greek name is Demeter.
Demeter, goddess of grain and agriculture
Athena/Athene is the goddess of wisdom, craftsmanship, strategy in battle, and reason. Demeter is the goddess of grain, agriculture, fertility and the like.
In the ancient Greek religion (or as we call it, Greek mythology), the goddess of agriculture, grains, plants, etc. was Demeter, mother of Persephone (goddess of springtime).
Ceres is the roman goddess of grain and agriculture Her Greek name is Demeter.
Demeter was the Greek goddess of grain & fertility. Her Roman counterpart was Ceres.
Ceres. Her Greek name was Demeter.
Demeter, goddess of grain and agriculture
Demeter, the great Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, and bread.
The Greek goddess of grain is Demeter.
Athena/Athene is the goddess of wisdom, craftsmanship, strategy in battle, and reason. Demeter is the goddess of grain, agriculture, fertility and the like.
In the ancient Greek religion (or as we call it, Greek mythology), the goddess of agriculture, grains, plants, etc. was Demeter, mother of Persephone (goddess of springtime).
yes,she is the goddess of grain/agriculture
Demeter is named Ceres in Roman mythology because the Romans adopted many Greek deities into their own religion, giving them Latin names. Demeter was the Greek goddess of agriculture and harvest, and Ceres was her equivalent in Roman mythology.
Demeter is the Greek goddess of agriculture (particularly grain), fertility, the seasons, and the harvest. She is daughter of Kronos and Rhea, and mother of Persephone. Her symbols are a torch, a sheaf of wheat, or barley.