The gods created fire, but kept it for themselves. Prometheus stole it from the gods and gave it to the humans.
Because he was Greek.
Yes, the Romans had many myths about their origins. One of the most famous is the myth of Romulus and Remus. In the city of Alba Longa, the king had a daughter named Rhea Silvia. The king's brother usurped the kingdom and imprisoned Rhea Silvia to prevent unwanted heirs. However, Rhea Silvia was impregnated by Mars and two twins were born, Romulus and Remus. The babies put in a basket and sent down the Tiber River. Their cries were heard by a wolf who had recently lost her cubs. She suckled the babies and they survived. The babies were found by a shepherd named Fastula and raised by him. When the twins had grown, they discovered their true origins and returned to Alba Longa and restored their grandfather to his thrown. Then they went on to found their own city, Rome (named after Romulus).
history channel
no, its a fictional tv show, you're dumb.
she is not like any goddess. she is a tom boy. in all he myths she is going to war or fighting. she isn't afraid to show her opinon. if she fights her side will win.
no, because they show you life lessons
nope not at all - all the myths show gods and heroes having humane arguments
Xena is not in Greek myths. She is based upon the Amazons who were warrior women. No one killed any Greek gods, since they were immortal. Heracles was the name of the srongest man who ever lived. Hercules was his Roman name. Xena is just a TV show and has little relation to Greek myths.
There is no such thing as an "evil god" in Greek Mythology. Don't confuse the TV Show with the actual myths - they are very different.
Most of the Greek myths show bravery but especially Perseus killing Medusa because he killed Medusa to save his mother form the King
They two worked in special effects together. They came up with the idea of a show after receiving numerous questions as to myths from their workmates.Jamie first had the idea, but considered himself too boring to host the show alone, so asked Adam to join him.
Mythbusters is a great show if you like science, physics, and myths.
There is one particular Author,( one of the Percy Jackson Stories ) who says that Greek fire was made in such a way as to produce green flames, he may even have used copper based Materials in his formula. But no one actually knows what real Greek Fire was, what it looked like and what it's Formula was. But having said that Images of teh time show the flames as Red in colour.
'A tomato always lands stem up' is one myth. The TV show Mythbusters is based on the premise of testing myths. Therefore, any myth that appears on that show is testable.
Edith Hamilton believed that myths explain the mysteries of life, the origin of the world, and humanity's place in the universe. She thought that myths provided insights into human nature, values, and relationships.
Robert Graves: 'The Greek Myths' gives you all the information. It is not a story you can read from beginning to end. 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' are fictional stories, which are interesting but not quite in accordance with the ancient myths.TV Show - ' Valentine '
The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 Belly Fat Myths 5-44 was released on: USA: 7 November 2013