Yeah, that was some Greek gift.
a wooden horse that some greeks made with wood
the Greeks hid in the hollowed out wooden horse, and sailed their ships away, making the Trojans believe they had left. The trojans celebrated and took the horse left behind as a sign of surrender by the Greeks. They then brought the horse inside to serve as a statue and reminder of the Greek surrender. At night, the men inside the horse, escaped, killed the guards at the wall, opened the city gates and signalled the hiding Greek forces to attack. With the heavily fortified wall gates now open, the Greeks easily defeated the Trojans.
To build the big wooden horse and let a group of Greek warriors hide in it, hoping the Trojans would accept the horse as a gift and pull it into the city. Then the hidden Greeks would jump out and open the city gates to the Greek troops.
Greek is army and Ulysses built a wooden horse....
in the Trojan war the greek's pretended they had given up their siege of troy and pretended to go home, leaving a giant wooden horse behind as a supposed trophy but they hid greek warriors in the wooden horse so they were taken into the city with the horse. At night the greek warriors climbed ut of the horse, opened the city gates for the rest of the greek army that had now returned and they slaughtered the trojans in their beds.
The Trojan Horse.
Greek soldiers.
a big wooden horse
Yeah, that was some Greek gift.
a wooden horse that some greeks made with wood
the greek gave the trojans a huge wooden horse as a peace gesture. Then at night greek soldiers concealed inside of the horse came out and opened the gates for the greek army.
It's a reference to the Trojan Horse of ancient Greek mythology.
In Greek mythology, the Greeks built the horse.
Hiding the navy at a distant bay, and tricks the trojans into acceepting their tribute. A wooden horse which hides greek soldiers in it.