I'm not sure what you mean by your question, but I will try to answer it as best as possible.
Ancient Greek Mythology had many heroes, including Heracles (Hercules), Odysseus, Ajax, and many more. I'm sure that you could find out more at Wikipedia or from a book on Greek mythology.
Athena: goddess of wisdom and battle
Poseidon: god of the sea
Ares: God of War
Zeus: god of the gods and the sky
Dionysus: god of wine
Hades: god of the underworld
Apollo: god of music and the sun
Aphrodite: goddess of beauty and love
Artemis: goddess of hunting
Demeter: goddess of agriculture
Hephaestus: god of fire and craft
Hermes: god of thieve and traveling
Hestia: goddess of hearth
Persophone: goddess of spring
Eros: god of love
Pan: god of nature
Zeus - Supreme lord of gods, god of the sky, symbolized by the thunderbolt.
Hera - Wife of Zeus, protector of marriage, familiar with magic.
Poseidon - God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakes.
Hades the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, God of the Underworld
Hestia - Calm goddess of home and homelife, symbolized by the hearth which holds the continually-burning flame.
Hephaestus - Lame god of fire and the forge. Sometimes spelled Hephaistos. The Hephaestion near the Acropolis is the most beautifully preserved ancient temple in Greece. Mated to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite - Goddess of love, romance, and beauty. Her son was Eros, god of Love (though he is not an Olympian.)
Athena - Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts. Sometimes spelled "Athene".
Demeter - Goddess of agriculture and mother of Persephone (again, her offspring is not considered to be an Olympian.)
Ares - Dark god of war who loves Aphrodite.
Apollo - Beautiful god of the sun, light, medicine, and music.
Artemis - Independent goddess of the hunt, the forest, wildlife, childbirth, and the moon. Sister to Apollo.
Hermes - The speedy messenger of the gods, god of business. The Romans called him Mercury.
Dionysus- The god of wine and festivity
Titans are the children of Gaea and Ouranos; the first of this breed were:
Kronos, Koios, Krios, Iapetos, Hyperion and Okeanos
Rhea, Theia, Mnemosyne, Themis and Tethys
Many of the children of the Titans, such as Atlas, Prometheus and Helios also received this title. These are not the only ones, there are many more - but the history of the titans that we have is fragmented.
She is from Greek mythology, but she's not a goddess. She is the wife of Odysseus, hero of The Odyssey.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was rescued from his torment by the hero Heracles.
No, Odysseus was not a god in Greek mythology. He was a mortal hero known for his cunning and bravery.
Perseus was a hero from Greek mythology.
His name was Hector.
hero is from the Greek, in Greek mythology he was a demigod, Hero is male and Heroine is female
No, he was a hero from Greek mythology.
She is from Greek mythology, but she's not a goddess. She is the wife of Odysseus, hero of The Odyssey.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was rescued from his torment by the hero Heracles.
No, Odysseus was not a god in Greek mythology. He was a mortal hero known for his cunning and bravery.
Perseus was a hero from Greek mythology.
Yes, Odysseus is considered a hero in Greek mythology for his intelligence, bravery, and resourcefulness in overcoming challenges and returning home after the Trojan War.
greek and roman mythology in a modern US
His name was Hector.