Hercules was known as a Dorian hero. Theseus was an Athenian hero. They where both heros, although Theseus spent most of his time abducting women.
hercules hercules
Hercules, Hercules' father was Zeus
Hercules, after killing his wife, Megara, and their children under the influence of a madness sent by Hera, is so upset that he wants to kill himself. However, he is saved by Theseus who clasps his bloodstained hands. This shows that Theseus is willing to have a part in Hercules' guilt. Theseus then tells Hercules to return to Athens with him.
Hercules saved Theseus the king of athens
The famous cousin of Theseus was the hero, Hercules/Heracles.
Hercules (his cousin)Pirithous
They are cousins. Heracles' father was Zeus, and Theseus' father (or half-father if you will) was Poseidon.
Theseus, Perseus and Hercules.
All but Hercules. After he completed his 12 Labours, he was granted immortality.
Yes, three times under different circumstances. I'll let you know when I find out