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100 x 80 meters, or 330 x 260 feet

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It was 80 times 100 meters in height.

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Q: How big was templo mayor?
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When was Templo Mayor created?

Templo Mayor was created in 1987.

What is Aztec Templo Mayor?

It was the largest of the aztec.

Where is the templo mayor located?

Mexico city,Mexico

Does templo mayor have stairways in the front and back?

No. Templo Mayor had one double staircase on the western side of the temple. There were between 120 and 160 steps in this double staircase. Each step was about 12 inches high.

What was in the center of the city of tenochtitlan?

The Main Temple or Templo Mayor, where the largest ceremonies were held.

How long did it take to make templo mayor?

The main structure of Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire, was built between 1325 and 1519. However, the temple underwent various expansions and renovations during this period, so it is difficult to provide an exact timeline for its construction.

How many years did it take to build the Templo Mayor?

The Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, which is present-day Mexico City, took approximately 200 years to build. It was continuously expanded and reconstructed by various Aztec emperors until the Spanish conquest in 1521.

What sacred temple is in Mexico?

The "Main Temple" or "Templo Mayor", build by the Aztecs and located in Mexico City.

What type of ruins did Tenochtitlan have?

Aztec ruins, including those of the Great Temple (Spanish: Templo Mayor).

What was the great temple?

If you are talking about Templo Mayor, it is by far the most famous and the most grand of all Aztec structures.

What is the name of the shrines in Mexico?

I have seen several being referred as "shrines", that would be "retablos" and "altares"

What emperors title means great speaker?

The templo mayor