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The Persians had been part of the Median empire, he took it over and made the Medes his partner in establishing the Persian Empire through the Middle East and Central Asia.

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Q: How did Cyrus the Great conquer the Medes?
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Which empire began when Cyrus the Great led a revolt against the Medes?

The Persian empire began when Cyrus the Great led a revolt against the Medes.

Who Conquered the Medes and established the Persian Empire?

Cyrus II (a.k.a. Cyrus the Great)

What great ruler united the Medes and the Persians to begin the Persian empire?

king Cyrus was the ruler who united the Persians into a powerful kingdom

Why was the Medes and the Persians important?

Cyrus the Great allied the Persians and Medes and used the combined power to takeover the Babylonian and Assyrian Empires.

Who started the the Persian Empire?

The Persians and the Medes, under King Cyrus the Great.

Why did Cyrus the Great win the respect of his captured people?

Cyrus the Great was noted for his compassion rather than his warrior self. He started off uniting the Medes with Lydians.

Whose victory against the Medes marked the begining of the Persian Empire?

Cyrus the Great dominated the Medes, and the combined power launched the spread of the Persians into their own empire.

How did Cyrus the Great change the Persian Empire?

Cyrus the Great led the Persians, then subject to the Medes, into dominating them, and with this combined strength took over the Babylonian Empire and turned this into an empire of his own.

Which ruler united the Persian Empire?

KING CYRUS THE GREAT brought Persia onto the global scene by defeating the Medes and incorporating them into a Greater Persia.

What year did the Medes conquer the Assyrians?

612 b.C

Which people did Cyrus the Great conquer to begin the Persian Empire?

he didnt

Why did the medes and chaldeans join forces?

The Chaldeans and The Medes joined forces to fight The Assyrians.