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They knew how the river worked seasonally (when it floods when it recedes, etc.) and they had a structured and organized system of government.

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14y ago
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16y ago

They became a great Importance because of all thir ancient objects like mummies.Also in the way that they used gold.

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13y ago

The Pharaohs governed the land and were responsible for the countries economy.

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12y ago

The great ancient Egyptians civilizations was made possible by listening to One Direction!

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14y ago

during the new kingdom ,Egypt armies conquered many nerby lands. this helps the pharaohs created an empire That stretched from kush in the south to the Euphrates river in the north.

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Q: How did Egypt become so rich and powerful?
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How did the new king kingdom of Egypt become so powerful wealthy?

after overthrowing the hyksos

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it got so powerful becuz it just did

Why did the body in ancient Egypt need a mask?

to show how rich and powerful the person was. the fancier the mask, the richer and more powerful.

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were so rich and powerful because after the crusades people flippe dasd gobbledygook youza

Which people were mummified in ancient Egypt?

The mummies in Egypt were the Pharaohs,there wives,and children. Not a lot of people in Egypt could get mummified. Since it cost so much money to do it and there for only royalty were able to do it. Once in a while someone who was rich and wasn't royalty then they could don it because they would of had enough money to do so.

Why did the rich and powerful have private water supplies?

You said it in your question. They were rich and powerful so they could have things poor people couldn’t have.

How did the new kingdom of Egypt become so wealthy and powerful?

The spoils from the successful military campaigns and the tributes owed by the states increased Egypt's wealth and prosperity.

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he became very rich

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Maybe because of it provides an obscene population

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by joining forces with other powerful city-states

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By trading with India.