he built a large empire
darius used some of persian's great wealth to build roads across the empire
Ramses the II (or Ramses the Great) is said to be the most celebrated and the most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire. He is belived to taken the throne in his teenage years. On his death, he was buried in the renowned Valley of the Kings; then, his body was transported to the Cairo Museum. It is still on display to this day.
He was the first pharaoh. :)
Ramses was great enemies with the Hittities. They wared and it was a tie. Of course Ramses declared victory. Then he made a peace treaty with them. [which was the first known peace treaty]
cause he is epic
cause he is epic
cause he is epic
because hi
a great empire
He moved his armies eastward.
Of course, Ramses the Great is just another name he is called.
The great wall of china was not build by one empire but several
Ramses the Great is described as "riddler".
He used his wealth to improve his empire.
What is 'this'.
he built a large empire