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There is disagreement about how, exactly, Hittites used chariots. Their tactics may or may not have changed during the course of the empire. It is clear that they used chariots as bow platforms for at least some of their battles. A charioteer and his driver (the two-man chariot), covered with bronze, scale armor and using a composite bow with a range of up to 250 meters or so, could maneuver into position to fire at an enemy on foot while being virtually invulnerable to infantry. Most infantry did not have composite bows, and could not get close enough to the chariots to fire back with their simple bows. Generally, only chariots could counter other chariots. Egyptian reliefs of the Battle of Kadesh (circa 1275 BCE) depict three men in Hittite chariots: one driver, one shield holder, and one spear carrier. Some people believe that this means the Hittites used these chariots as a sort of jousting platform. Others think this unlikely, and that the depiction may have more to do with Egyptian Propaganda that with reality.

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Their opposition infantry was wisely protected by their own chariots.

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Q: How did chariots help the hittites in battle?
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Their opposition infantry was wisely protected by their own chariots.

How do you think the use of chariots by Hittites affected the opposing army's foot soldiers?

in 1600

How do you think the use of the chariots by Hittites affected the opposing army's foot soldiers?

in 1600