It freed the bulk of the people from autocratic rule and exploitation by the upper class oligarchs.
Democracy had its origins in ancient Greece.
Ancient Greece was a Monarchy, oligarchie, tyranny, then a democracy (in order).
to align themselves with the idea of democracy to align themselves with the idea of democracy to align themselves with the idea of democracy To align themselves with the ideals of democracy as represented by those cultures, which included Greece.
Greece had a Direct democracy
Democracy had its origins in ancient Greece.
yes Greece was the first country to have democracy . Democracy was born in Athens, capital of Greece.
Athens Greece was the birthplace of democracy.
yes they did create democracy
.Modern or Ancient Greek? If ancient, they invented democracy for starters,
Greece's Current presidency IS a democracy....The thing is that there is no such thing as a true democracy anymore. But THEORETICALLY it's a democracy based country. Just like he U.S.:)
Athens, in Greece, has been known to be the very first city to practice democracy.