In the ancient world, particularly in Rome, gladiatorial games began as an extension of the keen interest on the part of ancient peoples (again, principally Romans) in violent entertainment. Arranging to have gladiators fight publicly was also a way to demonstrate the power of the fight-organizers. Eventually, however, the gladiatorial games became a vital form of pacification: social unrest was avoided by giving citizens gladiatorial games as a distraction from their troubles.
politicians wanting to get votes
At first the gladiatorial games were sponsored by individuals,but because they grew in size over the years, individuals could not afford them so the emperors took over and sponsored all gladiatorial games.
A theatrum was used for plays etc.An amphitheatre was used to stage gladiatorial contests.A circus was used for chariot racing.
The Soldiers of the Roman army were professional. Therefore, they were professional fighters. Non-military professional fighters were the gladiators who fought in the gladiatorial combats which were games the Roman public loved.
The original purpose of a gladiatorial fight was the memorial celebration of the Oscans victory over the Samnites. This was in the Italian area called Campania and its where it is believed that the gladiatorial fights began. In Rome, the gladiatorial fights were a funeral "mundus" or duty to a deceased relative. They were first celebrated in Rome in 246 BC.
The gladiatorial games were for the public enjoyment of the people. They loved it.
The gladiatorial games were for the public enjoyment of the people. They loved it.
the olympics!?!?!?!
The gladiators lived and trained at the gladiatorial schools. They fought at the amphitheatre, the arena for the gladiatorial games.
The Gladiatorial games and Gladiator history ended during the reign of the Emperor Honorius.
The Romans called the gladiatorial games munera .
The gladiators performed because the Romans adored the gladiatorial games. Most gladiators were slaves who lived and trained at the gladiatorial schools. They had to perform.
Only with chariots.