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The Athenians developed a Democracy where only certain classes of people could vote.

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Alyson Reynolds

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

Starting with monarch, the aristocrats took over and formed an oligarchy (rule of the few). Their oppressive, self-interested rule led to impending civil war and Solon was appointed for a year with dictatorial power to find a middle ground.

This did not last long, so a tyrant Pisistratus was appointed to re-establish a balanced government. After 40 years, a new generation forgot how bad things had been previously and expelled the tyrants.

The Oligarchs tried to grab power back, but Cleisthenes established a limited democracy including small landowners. This lasted 20 years until the Persian invasion forced the return of power to the oligarchs to run the war effort. They hung on to power after the invasion was turned back.

Twenty years later Ephialtes restored democracy, removing the oligarchs from power. They assassinated him for that but his deputy Pericles kept it going and developed it into a radical democracy where the citizens met in fortnightly assembly and made decisions which were implemented by the Council.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Athenian Government was nowhere near as democratically fair as in Australia. Women, slaves, and non-athenian born males couldn't have a say. democratic

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βˆ™ 4y ago

by winning the pistol cup with Lighting McQueen

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βˆ™ 4y ago

by slavery

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Q: How did government in Athens evolve into early-forms of democracy?
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How did government in Athens evolve into forms of democracy?

By giving the poor more political powers which was reformed by Solon and Cleisthenes in order for equal power between the rich and the poor.

How government in Athens evolve into early forms of democracy?

By giving the poor more political powers which was reformed by Solon and Cleisthenes in order for equal power between the rich and the poor.

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A constitutional democracy is a government under law in which coalition and majority rule is balanced by minority and individual rights, and in which most rights are balanced by responsibilities - including the responsibility of each citizen to study the history of constitutional government in order to illuminate it in ways that no definition ever can … and in order, thereby, to allow it to evolve further in light of ancient wisdoms and the needs of our evolving global civilization.

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He removed the idea that the monarchy is not answerable to the people, and ensured that democracy could evolve.

How did France evolve from a constitutional monarchy to Robespierre's democracy?

Napoleon took over in 1799 and he unified France with the Directory that led them away from democracy until 1865.

Reasons for failure of democracy in Pakistan?

Reason: Lack of Patient nurturing of political systems and institutions. Brief History of Democracy in Pakistan: 1. 1947 - Independence (immediately indulged in war with India) 2. 1956 - 1st Constitution framed (took 9 long years) 3. 1956 - 1st era of democracy 4. 1958 - DEMOCRACY SUSPENDED - 1st military coup - Ayub Khan 5. 1962 - 2nd Constitution framed 6. 1972 - 2nd era of democracy 7. 1973 - 3rd Constitution framed 8. 1977 - DEMOCRACY SUSPENDED - 2nd military coup - Zial ul Haq 9. 1988 - 3rd era of democracy 10. 1999 - DEMOCRACY SUSPENDED - 3rd military coup - Pervez Musharraf 11. 2008 - 4th era of democracy - present - 12. 2010 - wikileaks suggest the current government is under military influence As I said, it takes time for ANY government to "evolve" to an effective one - this law holds for any nation. One thing common to ALL successful nations is that they would have had a stable government for an extended period of time - whatever the system might be.

Do democracies change and evolve?

in the UK we have a democracy system which means run by the people. At age 18 we are able to vote for certain parties to represent our views as a governement. Every 4 years we get to choose a new party to become our government. So yes, democracies can change.

How did the Declaration of Indepedence change the nature of the American Revolution?

The Declaration of independence was the document that stated that the U.S. was to be independent from Britain. It stated our grievances against the king and explained that the government was to run by the people, for the people.

What type of government do you think would be most effective in the United states or is Democracy already the best for us?

"Indeed it has been said that democ­racy is the worst form of Gov­ern­ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"--Winston Churchill