Perseus turned his mother's suitor, whom she didn't like, into stone.
King Acrisicis received a prophecy from the oracle that his grandson would kill him, so he locked up his daughter, Danae. Zeus loved Danae, so they secretly got married. Danae soon had a son, Perseus. Danae ran away to an island with her son. A king of that island, Polydectes, wanted to marry Danae, but wanted to get rid of Perseus. He asked Perseus to kill the gorgon Medusa, and bring him the head. Perseus agreed. With the help of a few tools the gods gave him, Perseus cut off Medusa's head, which could turn people into stone. On the way back, he saved a princess named Andromeda, and married her. Medusa's head's stare killed Polydectes, and he, his mother, and Andromeda lived in peace for the rest of their lives, after King Acrisicis died when Perseus threw a discus by accident.
zeus help him
Perseus was a hero in Greek mythology tasked with slaying the Gorgon Medusa, who could turn anyone who looked at her into stone. With the help of the gods Athena and Hermes, Perseus was given a mirrored shield to avoid looking directly at Medusa. He ultimately beheaded her while she slept. Perseus later used Medusa's head as a weapon in his further adventures.
he had help from Hermes and Athena to guide him to the underworld
Well, honey, Perseus had a whole squad helping him out. But the main players were Athena, who gave him a shiny shield, Hermes, who hooked him up with a sick sword, and good ol' Medusa, who inadvertently helped him by turning into stone. So, yeah, Perseus had some divine intervention on his side.
a polished sheild to look at medusas reflection
Medusa was a dangerous monster, her gaze turned everything to stone. King Polydectes wanted Perseus out of the way so he could try and seduce Perseus' mother Danaë. So Polydectes sent Perseus on this dangerous mission, but with the help of Hermes and thena he went through with it. He cut off her head!
The conflict in the story of Perseus and Medusa is primarily centered around Perseus' quest to obtain Medusa's head as a gift for King Polydectes. Perseus faces numerous challenges, including overcoming the fearsome Medusa and navigating through the obstacles set by the gods. The conflict is resolved when Perseus successfully defeats Medusa with the help of Athena and uses her head as a weapon against his enemies.
King Acrisicis received a prophecy from the oracle that his grandson would kill him, so he locked up his daughter, Danae. Zeus loved Danae, so they secretly got married. Danae soon had a son, Perseus. Danae ran away to an island with her son. A king of that island, Polydectes, wanted to marry Danae, but wanted to get rid of Perseus. He asked Perseus to kill the gorgon Medusa, and bring him the head. Perseus agreed. With the help of a few tools the gods gave him, Perseus cut off Medusa's head, which could turn people into stone. On the way back, he saved a princess named Andromeda, and married her. Medusa's head's stare killed Polydectes, and he, his mother, and Andromeda lived in peace for the rest of their lives, after King Acrisicis died when Perseus threw a discus by accident.
Athena told Perseus to find the Hesperides, who gave him the bag to hold Medusa's severed head. She also gave him a polished shield, which he used to look at Medusa's reflection in and decapitate her.
Zeus helps Perseus by granting him special gifts and assistance during his quest to slay Medusa, including a helmet of invisibility, a sword, and a mirrored shield to aid him in defeating the Gorgon. Additionally, Zeus guides and supports Perseus through various challenges he faces on his heroic journey.
He was taunted by Polydectes and he promised to kill Medusa.He did with the help of Athene and Hermes.When he was returning home he saw a lady about to be eating by one of Poseidon's monsters and recued her.He then brought the head of Medusa to Polydectes and knowing that Polydectes had taken advantage of his mother he turned him to stone.
Perseus is known for slaying the Gorgon Medusa, a monstrous creature whose gaze could turn people to stone. With the help of various gods and goddesses, including Athena and Hermes, Perseus used a reflective shield to avoid looking directly at Medusa and successfully severed her head. He later used Medusa's head as a weapon in other heroic feats.
He loved Danae, and Perseus was his child.
Athena gave Perseus a polished shield, and Hermes gave Perseus a sword to attack Medusa with.
Athena, a goddess did this to her. When Medusa was a very beautiful girl, she asked to visit the south. Athena did not let her. So then Medusa therantened her that she would dare say she was jealous of her beauty. Then Athens got mad and cursed with ugliness. She was so ugly whoever looks her in the eye will turn to stone.
The fisherman Dictys helped raise Perseus. He found Danae and Perseus in a chest that washed up onto the shore.