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They built and Empire. once a city-state became a League member, it could not with draw unless all the other members agreed. The League had a navy. The Athenians built and crewed these boats. but, the other city-state paid the cost. Athens became to gain more and more power. People started to use Athenian coins instead of Greek money. In a short while, the Delian League had turned into the Athenian Empire.

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After peace had been made with the Persians, they continued to levy the annual war contributions, by force where necessary, and used the money to maintain the enforcement fleet and to glorify itself. It also levied ships and troops to help dominate the reluctant members, and to confront the rest of the Greek city-states.

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They built and Empire. once a city-state became a League member, it could not with draw unless all the other members agreed. The League had a navy. The Athenians built and crewed these boats. but, the other city-state paid the cost. Athens became to gain more and more power. People started to use Athenian coins instead of Greek money. In a short while, the Delian League had turned into the Athenian Empire.

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Q: How did the Athenians use the Delian League to build an empire?
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