It gave all power to the adult male citizens who met fortnightly in assembly to make laws and direct a council to carry out its wishes.
they helped each other
Athens was the birthplace of democracy.
Early Greek democracy was a direct democracy. There would be occasional town meetings that took place in the amphitheaters where all citizens could discuss and vote on the issues of the day.
The Greek culture gave birth to democracy since ancient greeks invented the term and used it in Athens for the first time.
The Greek idea of democracy influences many of todayโs governments.
they helped each other
they helped each other
they made big hats and showed them tot their friends and traded with Italians.
An anlos is a double flute! It is from ancinent greece. A lyre is a small harp also from ancient greece. A hellene is a greek person. A polis is a greek citystate
Pericles strengthened the greek democracy
Yes. Each City-state had their own god. for example the greek citystate Athens had a greek goddess named Athena. A goddess is a women god.
the citystate monarchy is were people are sentenced to death either with their head cut off or drinking poison called hemlock which brings numbness to the limb, choking, and uncontrolible vomiting.
No, the ancient greek invented democracy and the first to use it. Democracy roughly translates to "the people rule" from greek
Direct Democracy
It gave all power to the adult male citizens who met fortnightly in assembly to make laws and direct a council to carry out its wishes.
Not all Greek city states had a democracy. Athens is the best example of a democracy. A democracy is run by the people. In Athens, all free adult males voted on issues.