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According to Homerus' book The Iliad, by constructing a large wooden horse and hiding a goup of soldiers inside it. Then they sailed away, seemingly conceding the failure of their siege. The Trojans then dragged the horse inside Troy as a victory trophy. At night, the Greek soldiers crept out of the horse and opened the gate for their countrymen, who had sailed back under cover of the darkness.

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By using the Trojan Horse.

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Q: How did the Greeks get inside troy?
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How did the greeks build the Trojan horse?

Trojan Horse was hollow and some of the Greeks were hidden inside. The Trojans thought the Greeks had left. So they demolished part of the walls of Troy and took the Trojan horse inside the city. They had a feast to celebrate their enemies departure and when they slept the Greeks came out.

How did the Greeks get inside the gates of Troy and win the Trojan war?

By saying that the Trojan horse was an offering to the gods

What happened to the Trojan horse after the Trojan war?

The Greeks who were inside the stomach of the horse opened the huge gates and the Greeks invaded the city of Troy. the fate of the horse itself is undocumented, but the Greeks could not have removed it so it is reasonable to presume it was left at troy,maybe burnt?

How did the Greeks get into Troy with the Trojan horse?

The greeks builded the Trojan Horse and had the mightiest warriors hide inside of it while the rest waited at sea. Than at night the warriors came out if the Trojan Horse and started to destroy troy while the people at sea came to help the greeks.

How did Odysseus enable the Greeks to conquer Troy after ten years of siege?

They made a giant wooden horse (the Trojan horse) and the Greeks got inside it. They then left it at the gates of Troy. Thinking it was a gift or a peace offering, the Trojans took the horse inside their walls and celebrated. By night the Trojans were drunk from their party and the Greeks came out, opened the gates for their comrades, and they overthrew the Trojans.

Related questions

How did the greeks build the Trojan horse?

Trojan Horse was hollow and some of the Greeks were hidden inside. The Trojans thought the Greeks had left. So they demolished part of the walls of Troy and took the Trojan horse inside the city. They had a feast to celebrate their enemies departure and when they slept the Greeks came out.

How did the Greeks get inside the gates of Troy and win the Trojan war?

By saying that the Trojan horse was an offering to the gods

What happened to the Trojan horse after the Trojan war?

The Greeks who were inside the stomach of the horse opened the huge gates and the Greeks invaded the city of Troy. the fate of the horse itself is undocumented, but the Greeks could not have removed it so it is reasonable to presume it was left at troy,maybe burnt?

In The Iliad who invaded Troy?

The ancient Greeks invaded Troy to take back Queen Helen.

How did the Greeks get into Troy with the Trojan horse?

The greeks builded the Trojan Horse and had the mightiest warriors hide inside of it while the rest waited at sea. Than at night the warriors came out if the Trojan Horse and started to destroy troy while the people at sea came to help the greeks.

How did Odysseus enable the Greeks to conquer Troy after ten years of siege?

They made a giant wooden horse (the Trojan horse) and the Greeks got inside it. They then left it at the gates of Troy. Thinking it was a gift or a peace offering, the Trojans took the horse inside their walls and celebrated. By night the Trojans were drunk from their party and the Greeks came out, opened the gates for their comrades, and they overthrew the Trojans.

What is the conflict of the story troy and how it was resolved?

The conflict in the story of Troy is the battle between the Greeks and the Trojans over the city of Troy. It is ultimately resolved through the use of the Trojan Horse strategy, where the Greeks hide soldiers inside a large wooden horse that is left outside the city gates. The Trojans, thinking it is a gift, bring it inside the city, allowing the Greek soldiers to sneak out at night and defeat the Trojans, leading to the fall of Troy.

How did Greeks get to troy?

By ship.

Who sacked Troy?


In greek myths a king of Argos and suitor of Helen who fought with the Greeks at Troy?

Diomedes fought with the Greeks at Troy.

Who was the counselor of Greeks at Troy?

who was the counselor who helped troy

Who was the leader of Greek in Troy?

the leader of the greeks at troy was agamemnon. Z