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The Nile affected the daily lives of Egyptians in many ways. For an example, everyday, when they were to take a bath the Egyptians went to Nile to cleanse themselves, as only the noblemen could afford actual showers and bathrooms. The Egyptians also went to the Nile to wash their clothes and dishes as well. The Nile was also referred to, when the people became thirsty and needed water to quench their thirst.

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14y ago

Egyptians were affected many ways by the Nile river. First of all it flooded once a year and watered their animals and grains. Second of all animals came down to drink this water and these animals could precise food and clothes for an Egyptians. The river also previded transportation for the egyptians and even some sports!!

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Q: How did the Nile River effect the egyptian's daily life?
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How has the Nile River effect Egypt?

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i really dont know..but thanks for asking

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Egyptians are lucky to have the nile river because they need water to survive and for their animals.

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How how did the Nile effect the Egyptians daily life?

The Nile affected the daily lives of Egyptians in many ways. For an example, everyday, when they were to take a bath the Egyptians went to Nile to cleanse themselves, as only the noblemen could afford actual showers and bathrooms. The Egyptians also went to the Nile to wash their clothes and dishes as well. The Nile was also referred to, when the people became thirsty and needed water to quench their thirst.

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What river is associated with the Egyptians?


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The Nile was not harmful.