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The alphabet simplifies trade between people that spoke different languages. Phoenician sea trade,in return ,helped the alphabet to spread

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They took it with them in their trading expeditions, and it was also adopted and adapted by their neighbours the Greeks and Israelis.

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Q: How did the Phoenician alphabet spread throughout the ancient world?
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Who spread the alphabet as they went on trading ventures?

The Phoenicians.

The Phoenicians are often referred to as the carriers of civilization because they?

The ancient Phoenicians (Lebanon and Syria today) were carriers of civilization as they traded throughout the Mediterranean. They not only transported goods but also ideas on religion, medicine and writing systems. They are perhaps best known for spreading their alphabet, on which almost all modern phonetic alphabets are based.

When Alexander the great conquered the Persian Empire he spread greek culture from Egypt to India in addition to the greek alphabet what other legacies did Alexander spread throughout his empire?

He also spread the Greek philosophies called the Hellenic culture that lead to much of the Western culture of today. DSKO. Everyone knows that famous date.

Who developed the first alphabet?

It is generally held to be the invention of a Semitic people in the middle east about 1800 B.C. It was spread by the Phoenicians and the Greek alphabet was derived from it.

How is the ancient Egyptian civilization remembered?

Ancient Egyptian civilization is remembered for its longevity and for its culture. Some aspects of ancient Egyptian culture are its writing (hieroglyphics), its huge monuments and temples, its tombs and burial practices, its religion, its medicine and the spread of its language and customs throughout its area during the days of empire. Ancient Egyptian civilization is also remembered for its impact on the Hebrews, who provided a core kernel of modern Western civilization, and for its interaction with the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

Related questions

What is the relationship between the trade and the spread of the Phoenician alphabet?

The Phoenician traders took their alphabet with them and it was adopted and adapted.

How was the Phoenician alphabet spread?

Traders took the alphabet with them to pass on to other people.

How did the Phoenician alphabet spread to other parts?

Their traders took it with them.

How did the Phoenician alphabet trade?

It was spread through trade with foreign people.

How did the Phoenician people spread the use of their alphabet?

they pooed on somebodys face

What was the same from trading and the Phoenician alphabet?

Their spread around the Mediterranean Sea.

What was the connection between trade and the Phoenician alphabet?

The Phoenician trading ship spread their writing system around the Mediterranean Sea.

What effect did their sea trade have on the Phoenicians alphabet?

The Phoenician traders spread the alphabet through the Mediterranean Sea. It was taken up by the Greeks and adapted as their own alphabet, and they spread this to their own colonies.

How did the use of the Phoenician alphabet spread?

Their trading ships took it with them and the local peoples took it up.

How did the Phoenician alphabet spread throughout the world?

Simply, it provided good influence to later phonetic languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Latin, and Greek as well as indirect influence to most languages written in today. The Phoenician alphabet is considered the first real alphabet. Alphabets are undeniably very beneficial to writing, learning, and speaking a language, which is why the Phoenician language was important.

What is the ancient Phoenician culture best known for?

They are best known for the development of an alphabet based on sound. The Greeks used the Phoenician alphabet to develop their own...the Romans used the Greeks...and we use the Romans. They were excellent sailors and spread their ideas throughout the Mediterranean. The also developed a purple dye, made from snails, that would become highly desired by royalty. They also helped the city of Carthage which would become one of Rome's largest enemies.

What did the Phoenician alphabet make easier for people in the ancient world?

Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic civilization situated on the western, coastal part of the Fertile Crescent and centered on the coastline of modern Lebanon and Tartus Governorate in Syria. The Phoenician alphabet, called by convention the Proto-Canaanite alphabet for inscriptions older than around 1200 BCE, was a non-pictographic consonantal alphabet, or abjad. The Phoenician alphabet developed from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and it was perhaps the first alphabetic script to be wide used. Phoenician spread around the Mediterranean, particularly to Tunisia, southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula which is the modern Spain, Portugal, Malta, southern France and Sicily, and was spoken until the 1st century AD. Historians do not speak on how the language made what easy in the least part.