It is more of a case of how the Romans treated the Britons as it was the Romans who conquered Britain.The Celts in England were integrated into the empire and most likely became Romanised. Those in Wales resisted the Roman advance for a long time and then became integrated. The Picts, the Celts of Scotland continually fought the Romans, who gave up the conquest of Scotland. They also raided northern England.
Present day Britons did not exist in the Roman days. They are the descendants of the Angle and the Saxons who migrated to Britain in the 4th and 5th century and took over from the Romans. During this process they raided Roman towns
The Romans must have fought thousands of battles in thousands of places in the course of their 1200 year long history.
About 300,000 counting both sides.
2456 and lost 10
everybody lived in different tribes and they fought on another
The armoured infantry were hoplites. The light infantry were peltasts.
In the War of Independence, the Germanic Hessians fought for and with British soldiers.
The Hessians fought with the British.
Yes they were.
the british soldiers vs the American colonists
American,British,Canadian,French and German soldiers.
Redcoats(british), Hessians german soldiers also called mercenaries. These soldiers fought not out of loyalty but for pay
One disadvantage towards the Loyalists (the British) was that their soldiers were mercenaries which means that they fought for money, while the Patriots (the Americans) had soldiers who fought for freedom.
There were the legionaries, who were Roman citizens who fought in the Roman legions and there were auxiliaries who were non-Romans who lived in the Romans Empire and fought in auxiliary troops which supported the legions.
well I think George Washington was imprisoned because he was the one who fought the british
Sir Robert Clive.
390 million390 million BRITISH SOLDIERS!! Where did that come from?There were 6-7 million British soldiers who served in WWI [ref National Archives] but not all served in a theatre of war.well then ... how many british soldiers were killed or injured???
In the revolutionary war, soldiers of the British Army were called Red-Coats.