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They had an experiment in direct democracy in the 5th Century BCE. It reached it's peak in the second half of that cemtury in Athens as a direct democracy - that is the citizens gathered each fortnight and gave directions to the Council and passed laws put before them. It was not very successful as the people were easily deluded by orators leading them up false paths, and into a disastrous 27-year war with the Peloponnesian League which they lost. The people began to lose interest in it, and more autocratic forms of government returned.

To day we have representative democracy, electing representatives to parliament as the ability to get the populace together is impracticable in most countries.

They produced the idea, but we implement it in a quite different way, and often not all that successfully. The general feeling in ancient Greece was that a well-conducted oligarchy was a better form of government than a democracy where the people were manipulated. Not much different from today.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

because without democracy we wouldn't have to vote for our next president or suggest things for a better community such as

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Democracy is a government run by the people in which citizen make their own laws.

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