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The Nile River made existence for a large population possible in a desert region. Every year, the Nile would flood, bringing rich soil to the lower reaches of the river course. This allowed agriculture to flourish, as well as dictating when planting and harvesting would occur. Because the delta area produced surplus crops on a regular basis, the society in that area was fairly stable, and had leisure time for developing art and science. == === === You also have to consider the effect that having access to large quantities of stone, especially granite, had on Egypt. This began the building of the pyramids and other large structures out of stone instead of red mud bricks.

== There is also a theorie, that the ancient Egyptians saw the Nile as a reflection of the Milky Way and made the pyramids of Ghiza to reflect the three stars in the belt of Orion. The physical geographic characteristics of Egypt created an astral religion and a big part of the rest of Egypt's culture and the development of their civilization.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago
A lot of people would say it's mainly the Nile River which is true but it's not all about the crops. It was also a significant trade route for the Egyptians, and also shaped their religious beliefs. Unlike Sumer with the Tiris and Euphrates, when the Nile flooded the Egyptians were able to prepare for it and they saw it as a blessing because it didn't destroy everything. Hence, they had very positive beliefs about the afterlife, because they thought the gods favored them, while the Sumerians had dark and negative beliefs because they thought the opposite.
Egypt's geography played a major part in its history. Since Egypt is mostly desert, most people cannot establish a permanent city right in the middle of a desert. Cities tend to spring up mostly where there is water. If you look at a political map of Egypt, you will see that most of its cities are along the Nile, the most prominent river in Egypt. Such cities include Cairo (capital city), Alexandria (along the Mediterranean Sea), Aswan, and many others.
ancient Egypt was near the Nile River and the Nile river flooded yearly so the flood had brought rich soil for the crops to grow in Egypt.
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The physical geographic characteristics of Mesopotamia affected the development of their civilization in a positive way. This is because if not for the river of the Fertile Crescent, the people would not have had a water source to farm with. The land was also made fertile by the silt from the Fertile Crescent.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

If the country is an island, that is one way the physical geographic characteristics of different countries could affect the development of their civilization. During prehistoric times it would be difficult for those on the island to communicate with other cultures.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Egypt had the nile river that they could use for trading purposed and etc. if the nile river wasnt in Egypt, it would have been swallowed up by all the barren deserts surrounding it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

they didn't get anything that was new so they didn't care

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βˆ™ 15y ago

the nile river is a big factor. also their land.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Ancient Egypt's geography effected their civilization immensely.

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