they would scratch numbers onto a cave wall with a rock and count the lines.
a long time ago
a very long time ago
The People of Athens honored by her name thought that Athena protected them a long time ago.
A long time ago they had pink Nike heels that Zaria turner created in the Renaissance
Egyptians people who invented the Multiplication.Babylonians thousands of years ago.
The Viking people invaded and settled in Britain a long time ago.
We communicated a long time ago by writing letters to people and it took 2 months to get it send.
its just buildings showing what happen long time ago and picts of people that was their long time ago
Ancestors are basically people that were in your family a LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG, time ago!
nothing it was basically the same
they didnt !
people from a long time ago
A very long time ago is how ever long you wish to make it there is no set time for a very long time ago.
We communicated a long time ago by writing letters to people and it took 2 months to get it send.