idk someone answer this question
The corner stone to Greek society is politics.
In some parts of Greece she was the Goddess of Hunting and in other parts she was the Goddess of Animals. So in parts; she was a hunters guardian and in others she was the insperation to animal breeding and their well care.
There were three main forms of government in ancient Greece: Monarchy, Oligarchy and Democracy. I am unable to locate how the government of the Greek cities reflected the structure of the Greek families.
Ancient Athens adopted the first directly democratic government
No, it was not.
He was important to Greek society because he was the king of Macedonia. He conquered the Persian Empire.
It caused them to form city-states
In a phalanx, the hoplites (heavily armed foot soldiers) were made up of Aristocrats and non-aristocrats. This led to controversy in the government, because the non-aristocrats thought, why are we equal in battle but not in the political or social society? This brought about changes in the government by making new laws, and leveling out the "classes" of society. They became almost like equals.
Philosophers began to make people think for themselves. Also they gave more books to the society. Along with new types of governments and accurate history
it helped the Greeks in many different ways. Plato, Socrates and Aristotle questioned everything except there gender.
The Phalanx was a massive formation of heavily armed foot soldiers. This required long hours of drill. Shared training created a strong sense of unity among citizen- soldiers.
The greek word for society is: κοινωνία/ kenonia.
An Oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) is a form of government where power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society.
possibly. I mean. Ya. because grease was and is kinda a poor country
The corner stone to Greek society is politics.