The Tollund Man was discovered by two brothers, Viggo and Emil Hojgaard.
According to scientists, Tollund man was approximately 40 years old when he died, and the time of his death is thought to be between 375 and 210 BCE. This puts the year of his birth anywhere from 415 to 250 BCE.
21 (75% percent of the people died by age 26).
Because she could NT decide which man to choose and because of that thousands of people died!
octavios was a powerful man in Greece that came into Egypt to take over also the reason why Cleopatra died
The Tollund Man was found in Tollund Bog in Denmark. That's why he is referred to as the Tollund Man.
The Tollund Man died approximately 2000 years ago, and his body was discovered by two men, who were brothers, who were digging peat.
How did the tollund man live?
he was hanged or strangled but more likely hanged
The Tollund Man was named after the area where his well-preserved body was found, near the village of Tollund in Denmark.
Tollund Man lived in Denmark during the 4th century BC. His incredibly well-preserved body was found in a peat bog in the town of Tollund in Jutland, Denmark.
The Tollund Man's cap was made of sheepskin and wool.
The Tollund Man got his name from the bog where he was found, near the village of Tollund in Denmark. Tollund Man is a well-preserved bog body dating back to the Iron Age, discovered in 1950.
The Tollund Man is estimated to have lived around 2,400 years ago, during the Iron Age. He was found in a peat bog in Denmark in 1950 and is believed to have been around 30-40 years old when he died.
Because he has a dick.
The Tollund Man is estimated to have lived over 2,300 years ago during the Iron Age, around 400-200 BCE.
The Tollund Man was found on May 8, 1950 in a peat bog in Denmark.