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One thing is vital - extreme dryness. Moisture is a problem for mummies as it leads to decomposition. To help prevent the penetration of moisture the body is often embalmed in ointments and then wrapped tightly in cloth.

Also, the internal organs are usually removed, as these are hard to stop from decomposing while they are in the corpse.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

While the Egyptians were not the only civilization to mummify (other nations include Rome, Aztecs and sometimes the Chinese) I will explain the Egyptian process. When the person in question (not always a Pharoah) died, they would remove the heart, liver, intestines, lungs and and stomach. They were all preserves and wrapped. The heart went back into the body to be weiged in the afterlife, while the other four were placed in canopic jars. Then a hook was shoved up the nose, to the brain, scrambed around, and ripped out with the brain in tow. The brain was then thrown away. The body would then be dried, and placed into salt for 40 days. After that the body would be wrapped in linnon, and lucky amulets were bound in with the body.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

1. Remove internal organs

2. Stuff the cat's body with sand

3. Paint the cats face (optional)

4. Wrap it in cloths

5. They dehydrate naturally. Do not use chemicals!!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

First you remove all the soft parts (and save them in jars, except for the brain)

and then dry out the remaining parts. The Egyptians used salt.

Wrapping is done later.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you eat it then puke it out then rap it up

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Well, for history class I had to mummify a chicken. Salt was used to kind of drain off all the fat, and spice was used to give it a nice smell - instead of a rotting chicken smell.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

rap it

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