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Q: How do you pronounce the goddess's name Pheme?
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What is Pheme's Roman name?

Go to or is you really want to know now Pheme doesn't actually have a roman name. P.S. I'm a fourth grader but I know a lot. --Actually, I hate putting down a fourth grader, but you're wrong. Pheme is the greek personification of Fame and Renown. Her Roman equivalent is Fama. Both words are the origin of our word "Fame".

What does the goddesss Aphrodite do?

to do matchmaking

What is the cover art for Pheme the Gossip?

The cover art is that Pheme is standing in front of Mount Olympus Acadamy with a bunch of students surrounding her.

What is the greek goddess Phemes symbol?

Pheme(FEE-mee) is Goddess of fame, gossip, rumor and report.

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Who is the greek god of rumor?

The goddess was called both Ossa and Pheme.

Was sekhemet a greek goddess or a roman goddesss?

Neither. She was Egyptian.

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What is the root for euphemism?

The root for euphemism is "eu-", which means "good" or "well", and "-pheme", which comes from the Greek word "pheme" meaning "speech" or "utterance". So, euphemism literally means "good speech" or "speaking well".

What is Greek Goddess Pheme's weaknessess?

Greek gods are not superheroes. They do not have "powers" and "weaknesses" like Superman or The Hulk. They are the personifications of emotion, primal forces, and ideas. Pheme is the Greek personification of fame and renown. Her Roman equivalent is Fama.

Persephone is the goddesss of what?

Persephone is the Greek goddess of innocence and queen of the underworld.

Does hera goddesss have parents and who are they?

Yes; Hera is daughter of Kronos and Rhea.