It is the same as how we say it in English: Jack. It is not spelt with a capital though, unless it is on it's own. Use a capital after a - or another word. Only use a capital if there is a space before it.
:) :D ;) ;D
Just the way you spell them today. They haven't changed. The only change was from the Greek to the Roman.
Artemis in Greek is spelt Αρτεμις with Greek letters.Artemis was often referred to as Artemis Agrotera, Potnia Theron: "Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals".
Delta, iota, omikron, nu, upsilon, sigma, omikron, sigma, with an acute accent on the first omikron.
The word pharmacology is derived from the Greek word pharmakeia. Pharmakeis means sorcery, witch craft, witches, and spell work. It can also mean jealousy, outburst, and angels.
Ancient Greek
Ἔρως (éros) is the ancient Greek term for love.
That ancient Greek was Archimedes.
what is the greekalphabet
πόλεμος [polemos]it is the same in Modern Greek
Μπρίτνευ ΜΠΡΙΤΝΕΥ.