Do you think the oracle’s prophecy to Acrisius will come true? Why or why not?
No, they were still considered Gods.
his death shattered native american resistance
True. She married Ptolomy XIII and he drowned in the Nile. She married Ptolomy XIV and poisoned him after Caesar's death.
Because he improved rome gretly and was the first true empoer
The Greek/Roman deities had both 'good' and 'bad' sides. They were not perfect. With Cronus, he could be considered 'bad' since he swallowed his children in an attempt to prevent a prophecy from coming true, that a child of his would overthrow him. However, he was also a god of agriculture, and was a ruler during the Golden Age, a time of peace and prosperity.
Banquo is hopeful that his prophecy will come true because the witches predicted that his descendants will inherit the throne. He believes in the supernatural power of the witches' prophecies and is optimistic about his future and the prosperity of his lineage.
A self fulfilling prophecy is a prophecy that a person causes to come true because of their strong belief that it will.
The conflict that rages in Macbeth after he hears the witches prophecy is if he has to take some action to make the prediction true or if it's all up to fate. When he hears Duncan say that Malcolm is to become the next king he knows he has to take action for the prophecy to come true.
That Polybus dies of illness and old age and not at Oedipus' hands and that all prophecies may not come true are the reasons why the Theban royal couple, Jocasta and Oedipus, are happy to hear about the death of Oedipus' presumed father.Specifically, years before the action of the play, Oedipus hears a prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother. He is so horrified by the prospect and so frightened by the prophecy being carried out that he runs away from home. That he was no where near Polybus at the time of the latter's death give Oedipus and Jocasta hope that the rest of the prophecy will not come true either.
It really can't. People think you can change them, but if its a real prophecy, it will come true one way or another. If it's just rumored, then it's to scare the people in the prophecy.
In Greek mythology, DanaΓ« was the daughter of King Acrisius of Argos. She was imprisoned by her father due to a prophecy that her son would overthrow him. Zeus visited her in the form of a shower of gold, and she gave birth to Perseus, who later fulfilled the prophecy.
Yes, the prophecy that Rachel said will come true in Rick Riordan's next camp half-blood series.
AnswerIs it possible to cause a prophecy not to come true? Of course. Actually, many biblical prophecies have never come true. Or as some Christians assert, have not yet occurred. So, if you think something has been prophesied but has not yet occurred, perhpas it never will. In any case, you can simply remove the context in which it could occur, and then you know it will never occur.AnswerFor true prophecies, not completely. The prophecy that is fulfilled always remains exactly that - fulfilled prophecy. Others are still pending or may be in the process of being fulfilled.
portions of jeremiah's prophecy are similar to psalm 100. true
Jocasta believed Apollo's prophecy was wrong because she thought her son, Oedipus, had died as an infant. However, Oedipus actually survived and fulfilled the prophecy unknowingly. When the truth was revealed, Jocasta realized the prophecy had come true despite her efforts to prevent it.
After hearing the witches' prophecy, Macbeth struggles with conflicting desires for power and the moral consequences of achieving it. He grapples with his ambition to become king while also battling guilt and fear about the actions he might have to take to fulfill the prophecy. This conflict drives Macbeth to make choices that lead to his downfall.
Est. February 2010