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Technical writing is used for writing or drafting technical communication

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Q: How is techincal writing used?
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Related questions

What is the best writing course for aspiring copywriters?

Any course that deals with techincal writing would be helpful for aspiring copywriters. The course should focus on grammar, usage, and professional voice.

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How do you answer Essay questions in gce a level?

answer it the way you want to but if you want to get a higher grade then in your writing you must include these thingshigh techincal wordsconnectivescorrect spellingexplain in more detailcorrect punctuationclear key pointshope you understood

How can I become a freelance techincal writer?

To become a freelance technical writer, first you will need to define what your area of writing expertise is. Then you will need to create a portfolio of your writing samples. You might need to do some free projects to get samples. Once you have a portfolio, you will need to approach companies that may have a need for your type of writing.

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How do you figure out you weight on a bmi calculator?

There are more techincal calculation, but the website attached is a pretty good one...

What level can gallade learn signal beam?

Gallade is unable to learn Signal Beam. Also it is NOT TM (Techincal Machine)

What is the percentage of 40 percent?

The percentage of 40% is 40% as it's already a percent. On a techincal side 40% is 40% of 100%.

How was writing on objects used to predict the future?

how was writing on objects used to predict the future

Is there a techincal job website where I can look for PHP programming work?

You can visit You may also find jobs listed at

What was writing used for in early civilizations?

it was used for recording records, writing stories, commmunicating, etc.

What writing system is used in Japan?

writing is called hiragana