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The Nile fertilises and irrigates the farm land along its banks, which is good. The bad is that the flooding can cause damage to property, and loss of life if severe enough.

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Q: How is the Nile river both a gift and a curse?
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Why was the nile river a gift and a curse for the egyptians?

The River Nile was a major means of transportation, using sailing craft. The regular floods brought rich nutrients to fertilise the river valley, and aid in growing food crops. The curse could have been from the damage the flooding could cause to property and livestock.

Why is the water of the Nile River a gift?

Because Ancient Egypt could not have existed without the river Nile. Since rainfall is almost non-existent in Egypt it is really the only source of water, without which there would only be desert.

Why the Egyptians considered the Nile river a gift?

If it was not for the Nile River Egypt would not exist

Are there any other names for the River Nile?

The Nile gets its name from the Greek word "Nelios", meaning River Valley and the Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote that Egypt was the "gift of the Nile" - it thereby acquired that as a nickname. .

How is the Nile both a gift and a curse?

The Nile fertilises and irrigates the farm land along its banks, which is good. The bad is that the flooding can cause damage to property, and loss of life if severe enough.

What is the river Nile nickname?

'Gift of the Nile' I believe the above is actually the nickname for Egypt, not the river Nile. When the question of the nickname of the Nile river appears in crossword puzzles the answer is CLEO.

What is Egypt's gift of life?

the river NILE

What is the gift of River Nile?

waterfoodfertile soil

What did the Nile River create for egyptians?

the nile river created food,farming and others and they call the river the gift taker.

What major river is in Ancient Egypt?

the major river systems have to do with the Nile river. the Nile river provided transportation, water, and also allowed agriculture to take place. Also Nile river was the reason why Egypt is called "the gift of the Nile."

How do you get slots of journey Egypt gift codes?

In Egypt, the Nile river

Why is eygpt called the gift of the nile?

They called Egypt the gift of the Nile because they wanted to give Egypt the gift of the Nile. They also called Egypt the gift of the Nile because they were Ancient Egyptians.