It took a very long time to build the Trojan Horse but the Trojan War was also going on so they had to multitask which means they had to get a lot of bj's :-
a week
He plans for the trojans to take the Trojan horse and burn down troy
The Trojan war took a long time to end as Troy had a huge strong walland the gods helped both sides.
it took 3 years to build the shard
It took 5 years to build the Ziggurat
Homer's Iliad does not specifically state how long the building of the Trojan Horse took. It could be assumed that it would take many days to build something that large.
Homer's Iliad does not specifically state how long the building of the Trojan Horse took. It could be assumed that it would take many days to build something that large.
10 years
Three days
a week
Three days.
Well in the movie " Troy" They take the Trojan horse to the temple of poseidon (he was sea and horse lord) and they do this dance thingy
Any kind of Trojan horse is very bad. Most Trojan viruses will take data from your computer, and send it to hackers. Eventually you can have a large problem if you do not get rid of it because people can inject viruses with it.
That depends on how you look at it. Ultimately, the Trojan Horse was the catalyst for victory. It was Odysseus' idea, but in the end, it was Priam who allowed the horse into the city in the first place. So take your pick.
how long does it take to build a asimo
He plans for the trojans to take the Trojan horse and burn down troy
When the Greeks left the wooden horse outside Troy they also left the spy Sinon to be captured by the Trojan forces. Sinon explained to the Trojans that the horse was a charm to get the Greek ships home safely, and that if the Trojans could take the horse inside their city it would protect Troy from future Greek attack. The idea was that the Trojan's claimed the horse as a gift, hoping to benefit from it; but this was what led to the fall of their city. A virus which describes itself as an app plays the same trick: it looks like a gift, but in fact is a poison. So Trojan is the correct term.