70 days in total. The first 40 day, the body was watched, and then the last 30days were spent actually preparing the body to enter the afterlife.
I have been an Egyptologist for seventeen years and am a proffesor at The University of Notre Dame.
Ancient Egypt lasted_________ long. What is true.
they were called dynasties.
Well According to scientist The amount of droughts that took place in Ancient Egypt was around 30-50 This is because what was made to build walls was mud and concrete so that made the river Nile to break throughthe wall the thicker the wall the protection.
A sarcophagus is an ornamented stone coffin. This type of coffin is common to the burial of royalty in ancient Egypt. Often times a wooden coffin was placed inside the stone one.
if you are looking for a 5 letter word that starts with S, it is ships (I think...)
Mummification was a burial practice in ancient Egypt. The biggest con of the practice was that it took a very long time.
Ancient Egypt lasted_________ long. What is true.
There are only two different religion practices in Egypt. Some people are Catholic and some are Muslim. Egyptians have their own Christmas. The Catholic Egyptians celebrate this. Some Egyptians celebrate Christmas on December 25 also.
Yeah but Ancient Egypt was a long time ago (starting in 3000 BC).
long lol
a very long time ago
The process of making a mummy in ancient Egypt typically took around 70 days.
In Egypt of course!
about 200 years
roughy 5,000 years
250,000 miles