Yes, I cannot recall his name but Heracules did have a brother. When Zeus had an affair with another mortal Hera with furious. This lead her to send Heracules into a fit of insanity making him kill his own brother. Later Heracules completed the twelve labors to become immortal. Then he took his rightful place on Mount Olympus with Zeus.
Hercules and Hermes are both sons of Zeus. They are half brothers.
Alcmene with Zeus had Hercules, his twin brother was Iphicles. The sisters of Hercules included Laonome and Perimede.
Zeus is the father of Hercules. Zeus had over 100+ children, so therefore Hercules had a bunch of half brothers and sisters.
Hercules didn't have a brother or a sister but because he was the son of Zeus, he had many half brothers and sisters including Apollo,Artemis,Athena,Persephone and many more( they were all offsprings of Zeus)
Aphrodite is her half sister. Hercules and Poros are her half brothers.
Hercules and Hermes are both sons of Zeus. They are half brothers.
Alcmene with Zeus had Hercules, his twin brother was Iphicles. The sisters of Hercules included Laonome and Perimede.
No,but since Zeus was his father he had lots of half brothers.
Zeus is the father of Hercules. Zeus had over 100+ children, so therefore Hercules had a bunch of half brothers and sisters.
Well Hercules is one of the sons of Zeus. So that means anyone who is the son/daughter of Zeus is a brother/sister to Hercules/Heracles
Hercules didn't have a brother or a sister but because he was the son of Zeus, he had many half brothers and sisters including Apollo,Artemis,Athena,Persephone and many more( they were all offsprings of Zeus)
Hades and Zeus are brothers; Hercules is a son of Zeus and, as such, a nephew of Hades.
Aphrodite is her half sister. Hercules and Poros are her half brothers.
Any son or daughter of Zeus was then a sibling of Hercules, so his wife Hebe was also his half-sister.
some stories say it was hercules, challenging his brothers.
Of course not! He had brothers and sisters but he was not related to Hercules. Besides Jesus was of Jewish decent and his brothers and sisters would have Jewish names. One of his brothers was named Judas, not to be mistaken for Judas Iscariot the one who betrayed Him. Jesus brothers and sisters are not all named in the Bible so we cannot outright deny that he had a brother named "Hercules" but it would be just as probable that a caucasian male born to caucasian parents in Midwest USA would have the name Mohammed al Akbar... it just wouldn't happen